SECTION 2Common Tasksfor Fisher-Rosemount HARTDevices


Thissection displays HART Communicato r menus and describes tasks
commonto F isher-Rosemount HART products.


Poweringup online provides direct access to the Online menu. This menu
providescritical data that is continuously updated. To be powered online, the
Communicatormust be connected to a 4–20 mA loop.
Topower up the Communicator and access a HART compatible device:
1.Be sure the Communicator is connected to a HART compatible device.
SeeHART Communicator Connections on page 1-2 for information
aboutproper connections.
2.Power the Co mmunicator by pressing the On/Off key.
NOTE:If a device is found, t he HART Communicator displays the Online
menu.If no device is found, the Communicator displays the Main menu. If no
deviceis found, check the connections, verify the pres ence of the 250 ohms
loadresistance in series in the loop,and retry by selecting ‘Online.’ To poll
multipledevices in the loop, refer to Polling M enu on page 1-23. For help
oncommunication problem s, see Appendix D.