Rechargingthe Battery P ack
NiCadbattery packs are shipped from the factory discharged. Prior to the
firstuse, charge the ba ttery pack while it is disconnected from the
Communicator.Subsequent charges may be performed while u sing or
storingthe HART Communicator, without removing the battery pack.
NOTE:If the HART Communicator is stored for an ex tended period of time,
orthe battery pack becomes completely discharged, remove thebattery
packfrom the Communicator and recharge it separately prior to using.
Torecharge while using the Communicator, plug the recharger into an AC
outletor power source. To recharge while storing the Communicator, plug the
rechargerinto an AC outlet or power source, make sure the HART
Communicatoris off, and charge for 16 hours. Overcharging will not harm
theCommunicator battery pack.
NOTE:For optimum performance,periodically discharge (use battery po wer
untilthe low battery icon appears) and then fully recharge the battery pack.
Using a Memory ModuleTheHART Communicator is sup plied with a replaceable Memory Module
(Figure1-44). A 12 MB Memory Module is the recommended standard.
TheMemory Module i s programmed to communicate with specific HART-
compatibledevices. Refer to Reviewing Installed Devices on page 1-12 to
findthe specific HART-compatible devices that are programmed into your
Communicator’s Memory Module.
Ifyou find that some s pecific devices are not listed in your Memory Module,
contactyour nearest service represen tative.Your Memory Module may be
reprogrammedor replaced to include support for the required HART devices.
Explosionscan result in death or serious injury. Do not recharge the NiCad
batterypack in an explosiveatmosphere.