Message Description
Specifiedfilter passes
Filterreset to ‘*’
Thefilter automatically reset to all ‘*’. This is dueto being
toorestrictive while filtering a table of co ntents.
Storagelocation write
protected Therated life of the EEPROM could be used up. Contact
yourservice representative.
Somevariables in this
savedconfi guration
werenot marked
becausethe y were
Thisconfigurat ion contains write-only variables which
cannotbe read. The user must markand edit these
variablesbefore they will be sent down t o a device.
Thereis unsent data.
Sendit before
PressYES to send unsent data and turn the HC off. Press
NOto turn the HC offand lose the unsentdata.
Toofew data bytes
received. Commandreturnsfewer data bytes than expected as
determinedby th e device description.
FieldDevice Fau lt. Devicereturns a command re sponse indicating a fault with
theconnected devi ce.
Unitsfor <variable
label>has changed .
Unitmust be sent
beforeediting, or
invaliddata will be
Theengineering un itsf or thisva riable have been edited.
Sendengineeri ng unitsto the de vice before editing this
Unsentdata to online
device.SEN D or
Thereis unsent data for a previouslyconnected device
whichmust be sent or thrown away bef ore connecting to
Useup/down arrows
tochange contrast.
PressDONE when
Givesdirection to ch ange the contrast of the HC display.
Valueout of range The user-entered value is either not within t he range for the
giventype and size of variable or not w ithin the min/max
specifiedby the device.
<message>oc curred
Eithera read/write com mand indicates too few data bytes
received,transmitter fault, invalid respons e code, invalid
responsecommand, invalid reply data field, or failed pre- or
post-readmethod; ora response co de of any class other
thanSUCCESS is return ed reading a particular variable.