FromBlank Template Menu
Toaccess From Blank Template Menu, see steps 2 through 5 underNew
Configuration(Offline) on page 1-14.
FIGURE1-13. F rom Blank Template Menu.
Thefollowing options are available from theFrom Blank Template menu:
Markall flags all configurable variables to besent to a HA RT-compatible
device.Configuration variables are those that appear when you edit
variablesin the configuration using the E dit Individually option.
Unmarkall removes the f lagsf rom all configurable variables in the
configuration.Unmarked configuration variables are not sent to a connected
Editindividually (Figure 1-14) opens the Edit Individually menu containing
numerousconfiguration variables.
FIGURE1-14. E dit Individually Menu.
Forexample, to change the eng ineering unitsf rom inH20 to ftH20, find the
configurationvariable, press the Edit function key, highlight the new unit, and
pressthe functionkey. The Esc key returns you to the previous
screenas displaye d in Figure 1-15. When you are done, press the
functionkey to return to the From Blank Template menu.
FIGURE1-15. Unit Variable Menu.