System Information Menu
Fromthe Utility menu, press toaccess the SystemInformation m enu
FIGURE1-31. Syste m Information Menu.
Motherboardsystem information consists of the Serial Peripheral Interface
Time(SPI Time) and the firmware revision n umber.
Modulesystem information consists of hardwar e and software data. For
example,you can find the hardware revision, RAM size, and Flash size; or,
thedifferent software revisions and binary sizes.
datapack system information consists of the EEPROM sizeand revision
Listen for PC Menu
Fromthe Utility menu, press toaccess the Listen for PC menu (Figure
FIGURE1-32. Listen for PC Menu.
TheListen for PC menu allows you to set up your HART Communicator so it
canaccept data transfer andrequests from the PC. O n the PC side, you
mustbe running Asse t Management Solutions (AMS) software. If AMS is
installed,you can upload and download the device configuration information.
Accessingdata stored in the HART Communicator from the connected PC is
aconvenient way to view, compare, copy, and reconfigure field device