Message Description
DeviceDisconn ected Devicefails to respond to a command.
Devicewrite protecte d Deviceis in write-protect mode. Data can not be written.
protected.Do you still
wantto shut off?
Deviceis in write-protect mode. Press YES to turn the HC
offand lose the unsent d ata.
Displayvalue of
variableon Hot key
Askswhether the value of thevariable should bedisplayed
adjacentto its label on the Hotkey men uif the i tem being
addedto the Hotkey menu is a variab le.
Downloaddata from
Promptsuser to press SEND softkey to initiatea memory to
Exceedfield width Indicatesfield width forthe current a rithmetic variable
exceedsthat specifiedin the device descriptionedit format.
Exceedprecisio n Indicates precision for the cur rent arithmetic variable
exceedsthat specifiedin the device descriptionedit format.
Ignorenext 50
Askedafter displaying devi cestatus .So ftkey answer
determineswheth er next 50 occurrences of device status
willbe ignored or displayed.
Illegalcharacter Aninvalid character for the var iable type was entered.
Illegaldate Theday portion of the date is inval id.
Illegalmonth Themonth portion of the dat eis in valid.
Illegalyear Theyear portion of the date is inva lid.
Incompleteexpo nent Theexponent of a scientific notationfloating point variable
Incompletefiel d Thevalue entered is not complete for the variabl e type.
Insufficientspace to
storeconf iguration TheMemory Modu le or data pack does not have enough
memoryto store the new co nfiguration.
Lookingfor a device Pollingfor multidropped devices at addresses 1–15.
Markas read only
variableon Ho t key
Askswhether the user should be allo wed toe dit the
variablefrom the Hot key men uif the it embe ing added to
theHot key menu is a variable.
Thereis no conf iguration saved in memory available to re-
configureoff-line or transfer to a device.