Reviewing Installed DevicesTheHART Communicator M emory Module contains device descriptions for
specificHART-compatible devices. These descriptions enable the
Communicatorto recognize particular devices. The device types can be
foundin the Offline menu under New Configurations.
Ifyou cannot find a specific HART-compatible device on your Communicator,
thedevice revision you are looking for is not programmed into the Memory
Module.In this instance, you are limited to what is available using the
genericinterface built into your HARTCommunicator.
Toreview the device descriptions programmed into your HART
1.From the Main menu, press toaccess Offline menu.
2.From the Offline menu , press toaccess the list of device
descriptionsprogrammed into your HART Communicator. The
Manufacturermenu displays a list of each manufacturer with device
descriptionscurrently installed in your Communicator ’s Memory Module.
Thestandard 12 MB Memory Module is recommended, as it allows for
moredevice descriptions.
3.Select a manufacturer, and the Model menu displays, containing a list of
currentlyinstalled device models provided by the selected manufacturer.
4.Review the different manufacturers and m odels to determine the installed
HART-compatibledevices in your Communicator.
MAIN MENUIfthe HART Communicator is powered up when it is not connected to a
device,the first menu to appear after the “Device Not Found” message is the
Mainmenu (Figure 1-10).
FIGURE1-10. Mai n Menu.