Gateway E4350 manual Working safely, Reducing eye strain

Models: E4350

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Chapter 3: Getting Started

Working safely

Before using your computer, read the following recommendations for setting up a safe and comfortable work area and avoiding discomfort and strain.

Hands and arms are parallel to the floor

Top of screen is not higher than eye level

Screen is perpendicular to your line of sight

Feet are flat on the floor

Reducing eye strain

Sunlight or bright indoor lighting should not reflect on the monitor screen or shine directly into your eyes.

Position the computer desk and monitor so you can avoid glare on your screen and light shining directly into your eyes. Reduce glare by installing shades or curtains on windows, and by installing a glare screen filter on your monitor.

Use soft, indirect lighting in your work area. Do not use your computer in a dark room.

Avoid focusing your eyes on your computer screen for long periods of time. Look away from your computer occasionally, and try to focus on distant objects.


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Gateway E4350 manual Working safely, Reducing eye strain