GEK±91584D, Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752
GE752 drilling motors designed for vertical opera- tion, Fig. 1, are available in GE's UP, AUP, US and AUT series. This instruction provides inspection, mainte- nance and basic overhaul procedures for all of these motors. See Table I (page 3) for the models covered.
These motors have a ball bearing and a reinforced framehead at the commutator end to support the arma- ture shaft vertically. They also have a shaft extension at the commutator end for installation of a brake. Mounting feet are precision machined to align with the rotational ovals of the motor.
Refer to GEK±64271C for coverage of GE752 mod- els designed for horizontal operation.
GE752 motors are used by the oil and gas industry to power offshore and land±based drill rigs. Designed for vertical operation, they are d±c machines which require a nominal 750 volt d±c power source.
With suitable switching, they will operate equally well in either rotational direction. The following provides a listing of basic features.
The GE752UP and US models are of the ªShuntº class of motors which means they are separately ex- cited with shunt wound fields.
The GE752AUP and AUT models are of the ªSeriesº class of motors which means they are self excited with series wound fields.
GE752UP and AUP motors are original design mo- tors introduced in 1983. GE752US and AUT motors are Hi±Torque motors with:
1.A new shallow slot design and split conductor ar- rangement reduce heat generating eddy cur- rents. Kapton insulation and new slot design allow more copper cross±section and allow the field windings and armature to operate at in- creased power levels.
2.The spiral groove commutator provides better commutator and brush cooling, better commuta- tion ability, and increased brush life.
3.An additional six exhaust openings in the motor drive end framehead and revised air flow pas- sage increases air flow and the motor's ability to transfer generated heat.
*Kapton is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.