5-60 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Circuit Configuration
The sequence in which circuit configuration screens appear depends on the revision level of the
Hand-held Monitor and the BIU.
Channel Header
If the BIU and Hand-held Monitor support display of channel headers, a header screen appears for
each channel as shown belo w.
< > zoom
A. Press F2 (>) from this screen to go to the header screen for the next channel. Pressing F2 (>)
from channel 8 displays th e module's first referen ce p ar a meter screen.
B. Press F1 (<) from th i s screen to go to the header screen for the previous channel. Pr es sin g F1
(<) from channel 1 displays the module's last reference parameter screen.
C. Press F4 (zoom) to g o t o th e first configuration scr een for the channel.
D. When in a channel-specifi c configuration screen , press the up arrow/MENU key to go to th a t
channel's header scr een.
If the BIU and Hand-held Monitor do not support display of channel headers, the header screens do
not appear and keys F1 (<) and F2 (>) are used to scroll through channel-specific configuration
The following featur es are configured for each chan n el.
Channel Active
When a channel is configured as Active, it is scanned for data and checked for errors. If a channel
should not be scanned, th at channel can be configured as in a ctive. An inactive input chan n el returns
the value 0.
S:2 CH 1
< > tgl entr
1. If you want to change the displayed selection, press F3 (tgl).
2. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selection.
3. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next screen.