GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-105
Configure the First Move for a Group
Group Move 1:1
Src Ref:%AI00009
< > tgl entr
For each data type, a start ing offset and length can be specifi ed. It is not necessary to m ove a ll of a
module's data of a particular type. You can specify any suitable offset and length.
If the reference is to a BIU table, you must enter the actual address of the data. The BIU will
calculate the offset.
For a Micro Field Processor, the following data types can be read or written: R, AI, AQ, A, I, Q, M,
T, G. In addition, data of types S, SA, SB, and SC can be moved from the MFP to BIU (only). The
BIU has read access only to these tables.
Press the F4 (enter) key to accep t the Source Reference. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next
configuration screen .
Next, enter the Destination Reference:
Group Move 1:1
Des Ref: %R00002
< > tgl entr
Press the F4 (enter) key to accep t the Destination Refer en ce. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next
configuration screen .
Enter the length for the da ta to be moved.
Group Move 1:1
Byte Len: 032
< > entr
Configure More Moves for a Group
Continue from the screen shown above to configure additional moves in the same group.
It is not necessary to configure moves that are not used-a group can have 1, 2, 3, or 4 moves.