5-92 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
You can edit this screen or accep t it using the F4 (enter) key. Th e asterisk beside the data type
disappears, to show that the current values have been sa ved. Valid values for analog out put data
length are 0-8. If this length is set to less than 8 and the module has not been previously configured
the outputs of unused chan n els will go to 0mA. However, if th e mod u l e has been configured
previously and is reconfigured to use fewer channels, the channels that are “removed” will continue
to output current at their previously-configured levels until the module is reset.
S:1 AQ AQ:008
< > chg entr
Pressing F2 (>) moves you to the screen that shows the module's discrete output bits, which can be
used by the host for clearing faults. Valid lengths for this data type are 0-16. The data must lie on
byte boundaries; entered lengths and reference addresses are automatically adjusted if necessary.
S:1 Q * Q:016
< > chg entr
Edit the reference ad dr ess and length if needed. Pres s F 4 (en ter) to save the selection s.
Entries must be made for data types I, Q, and AQ. If you do not want to use one of these data types,
give it a length of zero.
If you back out ( using F1 (<) or MENU) before al l d ata types have be e n configur e d, the HHM
displays the following screen:
Cfg Incomplete
Clear Slot?
yes no
If you exit, the I/O config uration choices are not saved.
The BIU will not send data to the module until all three data types (I, Q, and AQ) have been