2-6 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Load Requirements for Hardware Components
The table below shows th e DC l oa d required by each module and har d wa r e component. All ratings
are in milliamps. Input and Output module current ratings are with all inputs or outputs on. These
are maximum requirements, not typical.
Catalog Number Description Current (mAmps)
IC670MDD441 Mixed I/O Module, 24 VDC 10 Inputs, 6 Outputs 110
IC670MDL233 Input Module, 120 VAC 8 Isolated Points 40
IC670MDL240 Input Module, 120 VAC 16 Grouped Points 77
IC670MDL241 Input Module, 16 Points, 2 groups 240 VAC 77
IC670MDL640 Input Module, 24 VDC 16 Grouped Pos/Neg Points 83
IC670MDL641 Input Module, 48 VDC 16 Grouped Pos/Neg Points 83
IC670MDL642 Input Module, 125 VDC 16 Grouped Pos/Neg Points 77
IC670MDL643 Input Module, 5/12 VDC 16 Point 80
IC670MDL644 Input Module, 12/24 VDC 16 Grouped Pos/Neg Fast Inputs 80
IC670MDL730 Output Module, 8 Pt 24 VDC Electronic Short Circuit P rot ection 125
IC670MDL740 Output Module, 12/24 VDC 0.5 Amp, 16 Grouped Pos. 111
IC670MDL742 Output Module, 5/12/24 VDC Negative Outputs 111
IC670MDL330 Output Module, 16 Point 12-120 VAC 16 Pt 1.0 Amp 285
IC670MDL331 Output Module, 120 VAC 2 Amp, 8 Isolated Points 154
IC670MDL930 Relay Output Module, 2 Amp, 6 Form A Points and 2 Isolated
Form C Points 313
IC670ALG230 Analog Current Input M odul e, 8 Grouped Points 51
IC670ALG240 Analog Input Modul e, 16 point Grouped 251
IC670ALG281 Analog Voltage Input M odul e, 8 Grouped Points 150
IC670ALG282 Analog Voltage Input M odul e, 16Grouped Points 150
HE670ACC100 Input Simulator Module, Horner 100
HE670ADC810 Analog Input Module, Horner, +/-10VDC, 0-10 VDC 131
IC670ALG620 RTD Input Module 190
IC670ALG630 Thermocouple I nput Module 195
IC670ALG320 Analog Current/Vol t age Output Module, 4 Grp Points 51
IC670ALG330 Analog Current sourc e Out put Module, 8 Points 85
IC670MFP100 Micro Field Proc essor 111
IC693PRG300 Hand-held Programmer 170
IC660HHM501 Genius Hand-held Monitor 0

Hand-held Monitor and Hand-held Programmer

The Genius Hand-held Monitor (IC660HHM501), used for configuring and monitoring the BIU,
has its own battery and does n ot add to the load on the BIU.
However, if a Hand-held Programmer (IC693PRG300) will be attached to a Micro Field Processor
or other module in the I/O Station, it must be considered as a load component as listed above.