GFK-0825F Chapter 7 Monitoring and Controlling Field Control Data 7-3
Monitor/Control I/O Data:
Genius Hand-held Monitor
A Genius Hand-held Monitor can be used to display diagnostics (see chapter 8) and current I/O
states, and to force and unforce individual I/O points.
1. From the HHM Main Menu shown below, display the HHM's special set of menus for the Bus
Interface Unit.
A. If the Bus Interface Unit is the current-selected device, press either F3 (Configuration) or
F2 (analyze) twice.
B. If the Bus Interface Unit is NOT the currently-selected device:
select F2 (analyze) then F3 (Block/Bus Status).
Press the F1 (nxt) or F2 (prev) key repeatedly until you reach the serial bus address of
the Bus Interface Unit. Press F3 to make the Bus Interface Unit the active device.
Then, press the keypad Menu key, followed by F2 (Monitor/Control Reference).
The HHM's Main Menu for the Bus Int erface Unit appears:
F1 Monitor
F2 Configuration
2. Select F1 (monitor) to display this menu:
F1 Monitor I/O
F3 Previous Menu
3. Select F1 (monitor I/O) to display I/O information for the Bus Interface Unit and its modules.