5-24 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Configure a Discrete Output Module
After you "accept" a modul e in to the slot, a screen like thi s a ppears:

S:1 Q:16


tgl entr

Number of
references for
this module type
Assign I/O References for the Module
Specify the I/O references to be used by the module. For most applications, you can simply have
the Bus Interface Unit assign the next available references in that memory type. Alternatively, you
can enter specific refer ences for the module.
A. To assign the next available references, just press F4 (entr).
B. If you want to change to another type of I/O table, press F3 (toggle).
C. If you want to assi gn s p eci fic references, enter th e starting address. Press F 4 ( entr ).
For most applications, all module references should fall within the network map
configured for the Bus In t erface Unit. For local contr ol, a module can be
configured outside the BIU network map.
In addition, each data type (I, Q, AI, AQ) has a total of 256 bytes allocated
within the BIU. So for each data type, all references must be located within a
256-byte range. For example, if the starting address for output data configured
for the Bus Interface Unit was Q01024, all module outputs would need to be
located between Q01024 and Q03072. (Discrete references are assigned on byte
Module references ar e au t omatically assigned by the Bu s In terface Unit based on its con fi g ured
data addresses and the number of points appropriate for the module type.
To edit the module's configuration, press F4 (zoom).
S1 Hld Lst State
S1 Out Def Pt 01
S1 Report Faults
S1: Q:16
S1 Q:16
Q00001- Q00016
F2 F1
F2 F1
S1: Mod Type ?
Discrete Out 16
S1 Ref Address
F2 F1