GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-39
Output Scaling
While the actual values r ecei ved from the applicati on program may represent vari ous t ypes of
engineering units, the Bus Interface Unit reports values from decimal 0 to 4095 to an analog output
module. The BIU converts the application data using “scaling values” configured for each output
For each channel, two sets of va l u es are configured: high an d low “sca led” values and the actu al
high and low digital values they represent. Based on these two pairs of values, the Bus Interface
Unit will be able to scale values for all other output levels.
See Appendix A for information on finding appropriate scaling values for your application. If you
don't have scaling values ready, you can continue to the next screen now and configure scaling at
another time. The Bus Interface Unit will use default scaling values of 1:1 if no scaling values are

S1 Scale 1 Ch 01

< > entr
Number of the
channel you are
now configuring
Indicates which of
the 4 scaling values
you are currently
Scaling or digital value
1. For EACH channel in turn, enter scaling values in this order:
Low scaling value (“eng lo”)
High scaling value (“eng hi”)
Low digital value (“int lo”)
High digital value (“int hi”)
2. If you press F2 ( > ), the display goes from value to value in sequence. If you press F1 ( < ),
the display goes to the fir s t va l ue for the previous channel
3. Use the HHM keypad to enter values. To enter a negative value, first enter the numbers, then
press the - key.
4. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selections on this screen. Press F2 ( > ) to return to the
original slot configuration screen.