GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-15
Configure Field Control Modules
Display the Bus Interface Unit configuration menu.
F1 Genius Config
F2 Module Config
From the Configuration Menu, press F2 to configure the individual modules in the station.
Enable/Disable the I/O Scan
On the next screen, you can en a ble or disable the Bus Interfa ce Un it's I/O scanning. (The Bu s
Interface Unit begins scanning I/O as soon as it is powered up). Disabling the I/O scan will leave
inputs and outputs holding their last states.
IO Scan
Prv > tgl entr
1. If you want to change the pr esen t selection, press F3 (tgl ).
2. Press F4 (entr). If you want to go to the next screen without changing the selection, press F2
( > ).
Disable Network I/O Updates
On this scre en , you can enabl e or disable I/O u pdates between the BIU and the bu s. The BIU
continues scanning the I/O modules, but does not exchange the data on the bus. A Series 90-70
PLC will not report this condition as a Loss of Device. However, any alarm contacts in the Series
90-70 PLC that are assigned to the BIU will be set.
< > tgl entr
When the network scan is di sa bled, all inputs hold last st at e. For previously-config u r ed modules,
outputs mapped to the network will either default or hold their last state or value, as configured.
1. If you want to change the pr esen t selection, press F3 (tgl ).
2. Press F4 (entr). If you want to go to the next scr een without changing the sel ect ion, press F2
( > ).