GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-79
Reference Junction Compensation
Specify how or whether th e ch annel will perform cold jun ct ion compensation. The choices a re
Local, Remote, Fixed, and None. The default is Local.
< > tgl entr
Select Local if cold junction compensation will be provided for locally-terminated thermocouples
using a locally-mounted thermistor (either as part of a Thermocouple Terminal Block (catalog
number IC670CHS004), as described in the Installation Instructions, or connected directly to the A
and B terminals of the I/O Terminal Block on which the module is installed).
Select Remote if the modu l e will receive a cold juncti on com p ensation value from the contr oller,
via the BIU, as analog output (AQ) data. The value is in degrees C, and includes 2 decimal places.
Select Fixed if you want to con figure a specific referen ce value (on a later screen). The fixed value
is configurable on a per channel basis.
Select None for measuring millivolt inputs or if cold junction will be maintained at zero degrees C.
1. Use the F3 (toggle) key if you want to change the displayed Reference Junction type.
2. Use the F4 (enter) key to save the selection and go on to the next item.
Reference Junction Value
If you selected Fixed for RJ ( Refer ence Junction) Type, en t er the fixed value here. The .0 1 in th e
display is a reminder that the v alue entered includes tenths a nd hundredths. For e xample, you
would enter 5522 to specify a value of 55.22 millivolts. The fixed value is added to the input
millivolt value before linearization occurs. The fixed value should be obtained from a table for the
appropriate thermocouple type.
S:1 CH1 RJVAL.01
< > chg entr
1. Use the F3 (change) key if you want to change the value, and enter the new value.
2. Use the F4 (enter) key to save the selections on this screen and go on to the next item.