GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-77

Thermocouple Type

Next, specify the type of Th ermocouple present on th e chan n el: J, K, T, E, S, R, B, N, G, C, D, or
Platinel II. The default is NONE. If this default is selected, the module will report inputs as
< > tgl entr
Note: If you selected Engineering Units of millivolts on the previous screen, the TC Type should
be NONE.
1. Use the F3 (toggle) key if you want to change the displayed thermocouple type.
2. Use the F4 (enter) key to save the selection.
TC Type Low mV Limit High mV Limit Low Temperature
Limit (C) High Temperature
Limit (C)
J -8.0960 57.9420 -210.00 1000.00
K -5.8910 54.8069 -200.00 1370.00
T -5.6030 20.2520 -200.00 390.00
E -8.8240 76.3580 -200.00 1000.00
S -0.1940 18.5040 -40.00 1750.00
R -0.1880 20.8780 -40.00 1750.00
B 0.03300 13.8140 100.00 1820.00
N -0.57480 47.5019 -22.222 1300.00
G -0.00600 38.5639 4.444 2315.55
C 0.23400 37.0660 -17.7777 2315.55
D -0.16300 39.5060 -17.7777 2315.55
Platinel II 0.0000 52.25 0.00 1300.00

Range Type

If None was configured for Thermocouple Type, specify the range for millivolt inputs. The number
displayed represents a +/- span of millivolts. For example, 19.5 represents +/-19.53 millivolts. The
choices are: unused, 19.5mV, 39mV, 78.125mV, 156.25mV, 312.5mV, and 625mV. The default is
< > tgl entr
1. Use the F3 (toggle) key if you want to change the displayed thermocouple range.
2. Use the F4 (enter) key to save the selection and go on to the next item.
Note: If you selected Engineering Units of millivolts, be sure to configure alarm limits (see next
page) within the Range selected her e.