GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-85
Configure Local Default Outputs
Next, select the defaul t ou t put mode used for all chann el s in the event of a local (module) fa ilure or
This is not the same as the data defaults described on the previous page, which are for the BIU.
The choices for local defau l t output are:
A. ZERO: The output of each channel goes to 0mV in the event of a local failure or reset.
B. HOLD LAST: The output of each channel is held at the last value latched by the D/A
converters in the event of a local failure or reset (provided the appropriate user power supply is
< > tgl entr
1. If you wa nt to chang e th e displayed sel e c t ion, press F 3 (Tgl).
2. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selection.
3. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next screen.