5-38 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Output Current Ranges
Select the current ran g e for each channel, to correspon d to the signal level of the outp u t d evi ce:
0 to 20mA for current modules
4 to 20 mA "

S1 Range Ch 01

< > tgl entr

0ma - 20mA

Number of the
channel you are
now configuring
1. Use the F3 (tgl) key to select a current/voltage range.
2. Use the F1 ( < ) and F2 ( > ) keys to select channels.
3. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selections on this screen.
4. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next screen.
Range Selection is a setup parameter; it is not ordinarily changed while the
module is operating.