GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-71
The RTD Resistance is a res i stance adjustment that can chan ge the Ohms value of an input. Its u s e
is optional. The range is 0 to 3276.7.
The value is entered and displayed in tenths of Ohms.



< > chg entr
Tenths of Ohms
The resistance valu e is u sed t o correct for RTD values that ar e n ot at th e nominal value. For
example, if a 100 Ohm platinum RTD is being used and it measures 99 Ohms at 25°C instead of
the nominal 100 Ohms at 25°C, the value 990 should be entered here to correct the temperature
1. Use the F3 (change) key if you want to change the RTD Resistance.
2. Enter the new value in tenths of ohms.
3. Use the F4 (enter) key to save the selections on this screen and go on to the next channel.
RTD Resistance specifications are available from the RTD manufacturer, or may be determined by
actual measurement.
RTD Type Low
Limit High
Limit Low
Temp. Deg.
High Temp.
Deg. C
10 Ohm Copper @ 25°C6.13600 14.8200 -75.00 150.00
10 Ohm Platinum @ 25°C7.02000 37.2599 -70.00 1000.00
25 Ohm Platinum 4.14500 74.3089 -201.1111 537.77
100 Ohm Nickel 80.88890 147.7700 -40.00 140.00
1 KOhm Platinum, α=.00375 199.4880 2754.620 -200.00 500.00
100 Ohm Platinum α=.00385 27.01 389.936 -180.0 850.0
100 Ohm Platinum, α=.003902 93.5400 135.000 -17.7777 99.9999
100 Ohm Platinum IPTS68 (PA) 26.5 327.744 -200.0 630.0
100 Ohm Platinum SAMA-RC21-4 (PC) 26.5 311.874 -200.0 600.0
100 Ohm Platinum JISC-1604-'81 26.5 323.780 -200.0 620.0
25.5 Ohm Platinum Lab Std (PJ) 4.50 83.575 -200.0 630.0
9.035 Ohm Copper (CA) 6.05 16.400 -100.0 260.0
50 Ohm Copper (CB/2) 28.379 105.787 -100.0 260.0
100 Ohm Copper (CB) 56.757 211.574 -100.0 260.0
100 Ohm Nickel (NB) 69.520 223.221 -60.0 180.0
120 Ohm Nickel (NA) 66.600 380.310 -80.0 260.0
604 Ohm Nickel/Iron (FA) 372.789 1318.722 -100.0 204.0
1 KOhm Nickel/Iron (FB) 566.576 1985.891 -100.0 204.0