GFK-0825F Chapter 8 Datagrams 8-5
Report Fault Datagram Format
The format of Rep ort Fault da tagrams sent by a Bu s Interface Un it is shown belo w. The Series
90-70 Bus Controller interprets this information automatically; no datagram programming is
If the host is a Series Six or Series Five PLC, this information is ignored. If the host is a computer,
this information can be retrieved from the unsolicited datagram queue, and interpreted as needed
for the application.
Subfunction Code: 0F hex
Byte # Descripti on
0 Fault Byte 1
1 Fault Byte 2
2 Fault byte 3
3 Fault byte 4
4 Fault byte 5
5 Fault byte 6
6 Fault byte 7

Fault Byte 1

765432 10
byte 0
Fault type, always: 0 0 1 1
Type of module reporting fault:
Suppress alarm (short fault only)
Always 0
00 = discrete output
01 = discrete input
10 = analog output
11 = analo

Fault Byte 2

765432 10
byte 1
nostic table byte number (0 - 63) NOT USED
This value points to an internal table where the
Bus Interface Unit stores the English ASCII
text used by the Hand-held Monitor to create
its fault messa
e displays.