5-104 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
The number in the upper right corner of the HHM screen shows the group number (1 in the
example above). The 0 indi cates the slot definiti on.
For each grou p move, the BIU can move data in one di r ection, to or from any intell igent module i n
the I/O Station including itself. It is also possible to move data from one memory type in the BIU to
another memory type in this manner.
Note the following about Group Moves:
1. If a Group Move involves an intelligent module, the module must be present to configure the
Group Move.
2. If a Group Move has been configured with an intelligent module involved and the intelligent
module is then deleted from the configuration, the Group Move containing that module is
automatically deleted.
3. Th e individual moves within a Group Move are not done by the BIU in sequential order. For
example, two Group Moves would be needed to make the following moves sequentially:
Slot 0 (the BIU) to Slot 0 (the BIU)
I00001 to Q00001, length 2
Q00001 to I00017, length 2
The BIU would not move the contents of I00001 - I00016 into Q00001 - Q00016, then move
the same data out of Q00001 - Q00016 into I00017 - I00032.
Both the device being read from and the device being written to are identified by specifying their
“slot” number (location in the I/O Station) as part of the group configuration.
On the screen shown above, en ter the slot number of the modul e (0 for the BIU, 1 to 8 for any other
module) that will be the source of the data.
Press the F4 (enter) key to accep t the slot. Press F2 ( > ) to go to th e next configuration screen.
Next, enter the slot number of the module (0 for the BIU, 1 to 8 for another module) that will
receive the Group Data. For example:
Group Move 1:0Dest Slot: 7
< > entr
The Destination can be the same module specified as the Source.
Press the F4 (enter) key to accep t the destination slot , th en press F2 ( > ) to go to the next
configuration screen .