5-106 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F

Configure the Defaults for Each Move in a Group

Next, establish the defaults for each move in a Group. This determines how the BIU responds if it
loses communications with the module that is the source of the data. The BIU continues performing
the Group Data moves even if it is not able to read fresh data from the Source module. If the
source is sl ot 0 (the BIU itsel f) and the data typ e is discret e or analog output (Q or AQ), and tha t
data is included within th e BIU's I/O map of data received from th e network, these determ in e what
happens if network communications are lost.
On the next screen, specif y whether the BIU should set th e data it transfers to all zeros or hold the
data in its last valid stat es.
Make this selection for each move in the Group by moving the cursor under the selection for each
move (move 1 of Group 1 in the example below). Use the F3 (toggle) key to select either Y for
Default to Zero, or N for Hold Last State.
Move Deflt 1:1YYYY
< > tgl entr
Press the F4 (enter) key then press F2 ( > ) to go to the next configuration screen.

Specify the BIU Scanning Frequency for the Data Group

An important characteristic of Group Data is that it does not need to be moved during each BIU
sweep. The last step in configuring a Group is to specify the sweeps during which the data should
be moved.
The screen shows the scans (1 to 16) when the BIU will transfer the indicated Data Group. The
number of the current Data Group appears in the upper left corner of the screen.
If every location on this screen is set to Y (yes), the BIU will transfer the data during each of its
sweeps. If every location s set to N, the BIU will never move the Group Data. Setting only one
location to Y and the rest to N means the data will be transferred during every 16th sweep by the
< > del zoom
Group:BIU sweep
BIU Sweeps
for the Group
Use the F3 (toggle) key to chan ge to “N” any sweep the Group sh oul d not be moved. You can
select any combination of sweeps. Select a number that is appropriate for the data in the Group.
Remember that skipping sweeps will speed up the operation of the BIU.
After completing this screen, press F4 (enter) to download the group definitions to the module and
update the gr oup in the BIU EE PROM.

Return to the Group Screen

After configuring a Group, use the HHM's Clear key or F1 ( < ) to return to the Group screen.