GFK-0825F Appendix D Configuration Examples D-3
Example 3: Discrete and Analog Data, Network and Local Processing
In this I/O Station, ther e are discrete and analog I/ O mod u l es and a Micro Field Processor. All
inputs are given to the Micr o Field Processor and processed . All outputs solved by the Mi cro Field
Processor drive the sta tion outputs.
All inputs from the stati on are sent back the the system con tr oller as well. The system cont roller
sends outputs to all modules but as long as the Micro Field Processor is present, system outputs are
not used by th e m od ules. If the l oc a l Micro Fiel d Pr ocessor sh ou ld stop providi n g outputs, th e
outputs received from th e system controller will be u sed as station outputs.
BIU Map: I00001 - I00112
Q00001 - Q00040
AI00001 - AI00024
AQ00001 - AQ00004
Slot 1 synchronization is required.
Slot 1: Micro Field Processor (IC670MFP100)
Map BIU I00001-00112 to MFP I00001 - 00112, so all inputs on station become
inputs to MFP
Map BIU AI00001-00024 to MFP AI00001 - 00024, so all inputs on station
become inputs to MFP
Map BIU Q00001-00040 to MFP Q00001 - 00040, so all outputs from MFP
control station outputs
Map BIU AQ00001-00004 to MFP AQ00001 - 00004, so all outputs from MFP
control station outputs
Set all MFP default parameters to No (Hold Last State)
Slot 2: 12VDC 16-Point Pos/Neg Input Module
(IC670MDL640) I00001 - I00016
Slot 3: 120VAC 8-Point Isolated Input Module
(IC670MDL242) I00017 - I00024
Slot 4: 5/12/24VDC 16-Point Output Module
(IC670MDL742) Q00001 - Q00016
Slot 5: 8-Point Relay Output Module (IC670MDL930) Q00017 - Q00024
Slot 6: 8-Channel Analog Input Module (IC670ALG230) AI00001 - AI00008
Slot 7: High-level 16?Channel Analog Input Module
analog inputs:
diagnostic inputs:
control outputs:
AI00009 - AI00024
I00025 - I00112
Q00025 - Q00040
Slot 8: 4-Channel Analog Output Module (IC670ALG320) AQ00001 - AQ00004