GFK-0825F D-1

Configuration Examples

This appendix includes examples of different Field Control I/O Station configurations:
An I/O Station with discrete data only, where all of the data is configured within the BIU's I/O
map. The BIU sends all inputs from Field Control modules on the network. All outputs are
generated by the system controller (for example, a PLC) that sends them to the BIU over the
An I/O Station with both an al og and discrete data, where al l of the data is configured with in
the BIU's I/O map. As in the fir st example, the BIU sends all in p ut s fr om Field Control
modules on the network. All outputs are generated by the system controller which sends them
to the BIU over the network.
An I/O station with both di s cr ete and analog data, which als o in cludes a Micro Field Processor .
The Micro Field Processor performs some I/O processing locally.
An I/O Station with both discrete and analog data, which also includes a Micro Field
Processor. Group Data M oves a r e used to transfer data withi n th e I/O Station. This
configuration allows all station inputs to be solved by the Micro Field Processor, and all
station outputs to be controlled by the Micro Field Processor. The system controller (for
example, a PLC) will recei ve a l l station inputs. If the Micro Field Processor stops providing
outputs, the system controller will assume control of all station outputs.

Example 1: Discrete Data, Network Processing

In this I/O Station, there are only discrete I/O modules. All data is included within the I/O map that
is configured for the Bus In terface Module, and exchan ged over the network. There i s no local
Micro Field Processor.
BIU Map: I00001 - I00024
Q00001 - Q00024
No synch ronization is required.
Slot 1: 12VDC 16-Point Pos/Neg Input Module (IC670MDL640) I00001 - I00016
Slot 2: 120VAC 8-Point Isolated Input Module (IC670MDL242) I00017 - I00024
Slot 3: 5/12/24VDC 16-Point Output Module (IC670MDL742) Q00001 - Q00016
Slot 4: 8-Point Relay Output Module (IC670MDL930) Q00017 - Q00024