GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-65
You can press F4 (enter) t o a ccep t this value, or F3 (clear) th en en t er a new value from the keypad.
Press the F4 (enter) key after entering a new offset.
S:4 AI AI:004
Ref Addr 01896
clr entr
Use the F2 ( > ) key to display the screen for the module's discrete input diagnostic data.
S:4 I * I:032
< > chg entr
You can edit this screen or accep t it using the F4 (enter) key. After you press the Enter key, the
asterisk disappears to show that the current values have been saved. Next, press F2 to go to the
screen that shows the modu l e's Q references, which ar e for fault clearing.
S:4 Q * Q:008
< > chg entr
You can also edit this scr een . Use the F4 (enter key) to save the sel ections. Press F2 to continu e to
the next item. The next screen displays AQ references for the module. Enter a length of 0. Use
the F4 (enter) key to save and continue.
S:4 AQ AQ:004
< > chg entr
All required references for the module must be entered. You can give a reference parameter a
length of zero if you do not want to map the data to the BIU. If you attempt to back out before the
references are all con fi g ured, the HHM displays the follo wing screen:
Cfg Incomplete
Clear Slot?
yes no
If you exit fr om this display, t he reference s you have config u red are not save d .