5-94 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Configure Local Default Outputs
Next, select the defaul t ou t put mode used for all chann el s in the event of a local (module) fa ilure or
This is not the same as the data defaults described on the previous page, which are for the BIU.
The choices for local defa ult output are:
A. ZERO: The output of each channel goes to 0mA in the event of a local failure or reset.
B. HOLD LAST: The output of each channel is held at the last value latched by the D/A
converters in the event of a local failure or reset (provi d ed th e appropriate user power
supply is present).
< > tgl entr
1. If you wa nt to chang e th e displayed sel e c t ion, press F 3 (Tgl).
2. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selection.
3. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next screen.