5-86 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F
Circuit Configuration
The sequence in which circuit configuration screens appear depends on the revision level of the
Hand-held Monitor and the BIU.
Channel Header
If the BIU and Hand-held Monitor support display of channel headers, a header screen appears for
each channel as shown belo w.
< > zoom
A. Press F2 (>) from this screen to go to the header screen for the next channel. Pressing F2 (>)
from channel 8 displays th e module's first referen ce p ar a meter screen.
B. Press F1 (<) from th i s screen to go to the header screen for the previous channel. Pr es sin g F1
(<) from channel 1 displays the module's last reference parameter screen.
C. Press F4 (zoom) to g o t o th e first configuration scr een for the channel.
D. When in a channel-specifi c configuration screen , press the up arrow/MENU key to go to th a t
channel's header scr een.
If the BIU and Hand-held Monitor do not support display of channel headers, the header screens do
not appear and keys F1 (<) and F2 (>) are used to scroll through channel-specific configuration
The following featur es are configured for each chan n el.
Channel Active
When a channel is configured as Active, its analog output data is processed and its alarm
conditions are returned. When a channel is configured as Inactive, its output goes to 0mV and its
alarm conditions are not returned although any alarms that were already set can still be cleared
using discrete output (Q) data.
< > tgl entr
1. If you wa nt to chang e th e displayed sel e c t ion, press F 3 (Tgl).
2. Use the F4 (entr) key to save the selection.
3. Press F2 ( > ) to go to the next screen.