GFK-0825F Chapter 5 Station Configuration 5-89
The high span value for th e chan n el is displayed next.
< > chg entr
If the low and high span values are configured to be equal, the channel will output the same voltage
for all engineering units (AQ) values. The output voltage will correspond to that low/high span
value. For example, if both the low span and high span values wer e con figured as 10,000, th e
output voltage for the channel would be 10V regardless of the AQ value.
The high span value must be greater than or equal to the low span value. If you enter a high or low
span value that violates this condition, you will not be able to leave the span configuration screens
until valid low and high values are configured. Pressing the CLEAR key in this situation will cause
the HHM to display the following message:
Cfg Incomplete
Clear Slot ?
yes no
If you want to return to the span configuration screens, press F4 (no). If you want to clear the
entire slot configuration instead, press F3 (yes). The slot will then be displayed as empty.