8-18 Field Control Genius® Bus Interface Unit User’s Manual October 1999 GFK-0825F

Intelligent Modules Con figuration Data Format

Configuration files of intelligent modules may exceed the 128-byte maximum length of a Genius

message. Therefore, any Write Configuration to an intelligent module must be contained within a

Begin/End Packet Sequ en ce. The BIU rejects any Writ e C onfi guration message for an int elligent

module that does not follow a Begin Packet message.

Write Configuration for an intelligent module may be packetized by using the upper nibble of the

slot byte to indicate a packet number. Data for packets greater than zero is assumed to have an

offset with a slot configuration of (packet_number*128). Therefore, all packets except the last must

have 128 bytes.

Note that all reserved or unused bits must be 0.

Configuration Data for Intelligent Modules, B ytes 0 to 13

The first 13 bytes of configuration data for intelligent modules have the content shown below. Each

intelligent module has additional configuration data listed on the following pages.

Byte Meaning Intelligent Analog M odules (I C 670…)
ALG240 ALG281 ALG282 ALG310 ALG330 ALG620 ALG630
Micro Field
0 intelligent m odule board I D 1Fh
1 reserved m us t be 0 0
2 unique module identifier 1 8 7 6 5 2 3 4
3 reserved must be 0 0
4 reference types word
(bit 0 = 1 means inputs available,
bit 1 = 1 means outputs available,
both = 1 means inputs and outputs
(bits 0
and 1
both set
to 1)
333333 3
5 reserved m us t be 0 0
6, 7 length of module’s configuration file
in bytes 248 136 248 106 106 84 174 30
8, 9 reserved must be 0 0
10, 11 reserved must be 0 0
12 input/out put hold last stat e/ def ault to 0. Bits are shown below. For each, 0=default, 1-hold last state.
BSM State (read only)
BSM Present (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BSM Controller
1 =
es, 0 = no
BSM Forced (1 = yes, 0 = no)
CPU Redundanc
00 = no redundanc
01 = Hot standb
10 = Duplex
11 = reserved )
Duplex Default
Configuration Protection (read only)
13 reserv ed m us t be 0 0
14-n additional module data