


Possible Causes





For Windows NT systems only:

You did not type ge for the

Set the logon password to ge. For

The following error message

password during initial setup.

instructions, see “Auto Logon



Error Message” on page 33.

The system could not



log you on. Make sure



your User name and



Domain are correct ...






Display Station does not power

Power not on (PWR indicator not

Make sure that Display Station is


lighted or display completely

plugged in. Make sure that power



source is functioning properly.




Display is blank (PWR indicator is

See “Display” on page 28.

See “Display” on page 28.







Non-System disk or disk

Disk in floppy disk drive.

Remove floppy disk and then

error message displayed.


reboot or power cycle.




Safe Recovery Error

Occurs on initial power up if the

The Display Station will power up

message displayed.

unit is accidentally turned off



without first shutting down the



Windows 95 software.





Memory count during powerup

Optional SIMM is installed

Make sure that the appropriate

self-test is incorrect.

incorrectly or is incompatible with

memory is installed correctly.


the Display Station CPU.





CMOS checksum error —

CMOS battery failure.

Note: This battery has a lifetime

Defaults loaded


of up to 10 years under normal

CMOS battery failed


operating conditions. The battery

message displayed.


is not field replaceable. For more


information, see “CMOS





Checksum Error” on page 33.




A screen appears just after

The DEL key has been

Cycle power again. The Display

powerup, or just after reset, which

accidentally pressed.

Station will power up normally.

has the title “CMOS Setup









The Display Station reset even

The CTRL-ALT-DELkeys were

This should never be done, unless

though the power was not

pressed twice at the same time.

you are attempting to reset the



Display Station.




A:> appears instead of software.

A system floppy disk is inserted.

Remove disk and cycle power.





Touch Display Products: IC752CTD400/450


Page 34
Image 34
GE IC752CTD400, 450 manual Troubleshooting, Powerup, Symptom Possible Causes Solution