GE PT878 user manual Operational Specifications

Models: PT878

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Chapter 10. Specifications

10.3 Operational Specifications

Site Parameter

Menu-driven operator interface using a keypad and


“soft” function keys.


On-line help functions including pipe tables.


Storage for saving parameters for up to 64 sites.

Data Logging:

Memory capacity to log over 100,000 flow data




Keypad programmable for log units, update times


and start and stop times.

Display Functions:

Graphic displays shows flow in numeric or


graphical format. Also displays logged data.


Supports multiple languages: English, French,


German, Japanese, Spanish, (Castilian and South


American), Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian and




Pulse or frequency totalizer output.


Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual

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GE PT878 user manual Operational Specifications