Publication No. GEG-99054 Genicom Mar 00
5-22 microLaser 210 User Guide
Miscellaneous Problems
■The control panel does not display an error code.
The following procedureguides you through multiple actions that may solve this print image qual-
ity problem. Proceed one step at a time until the problem is solved—you may not need tocomplete
the entire procedure. If one of the steps in this procedure corrects the problem but the identical
problem returns inless than 50 prints, call for service.
1. Replace all of the paper in the paper trays with newly opened paper.
The paper in the trays may be damp or damaged, resulting in poor image quality. Newpaper
may correct the problem.
2. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one.
The toner cartridge may have reached end of life or is damaged.
3. Disconnect then reconnect the interface cable that runs between the printer and the host
There may be a bad connection between the printer and the computer. Reconnecting both
ends should reestablish a good electrical connection. If youhave another interface cable avail-
able, substitute that cable for theone currently connecting the printer and the computer.
4. Reinstall the print driver software.
The print driver softwarethat is running on the host computer may be damaged. Reinstalling
the software is an easy and inexpensive way to isolate or eliminate the source of the problem.
Refer to the DRIVERS folder on the electronic librar y CD-ROM for detailed instructions on
installing the driver.
5. Call your service technician.
This image quality problem may be caused by a malfunctioning or broken component that
requires service.
Miscellaneous ProblemsSome printer problems may not generate error codes or produce observable print image defects.
These miscellaneous problems may effect only the printer or they may effect things outside of the
printer, such as the room lights or a nearby radio receiver.
This section contains detailed procedures for correcting the f ollowing problems:
■Printer is I noperative
■PrinterOperates Erratically
■PrinterMakes Unusual Noises
■Printer Interferes with Nearby Radio or Television Reception
Printer is Inoperative
The following characteristics define this type of prob lem:
■The printer appears to have no power.
■The control panel does not light up or display characters.