Mar 00 Genicom PublicationNo. GEG-99054
microLaser 210 User Guide 2-5
Connecting the Printer to the Host Computer
18. Press the SELECT button to enter the format submenu.
19. Press the NEXT button until the desired format is shown on the second line of the display.
The available format settings include Raw,Norma l,andBinary.
20. Press the SELECT butto n to select the format that you specified in the previous step. After
you have pressed the SELECT button, the first line of the display should contain the text
“Paral lel Setu p”, and the second line should contain the text “Format”.
21. Press the NEXT button until the text “Mode” is shown on the second line of the display.
22. Press the SELECT button to enter the mode submenu.
23. Press the NEXT butto n until the desired mode is shown on the second line of the display.
The available mode settings include Bidirectional and Standa rd.
24. Press the SELECT butto n to select the mode that you specified in the previous step. After
you have pressed the SELECT button, the first line of the display should contain the text
“Paral lel Setu p”, and the second line should contain the text “Mode”.
25. Press the RETURN button t wiceto return to the main menu.
26. Press the START/STOPbutton to exit th e menu system.
USB Port
The USB port of your printer provides a reliable, high-speed, bi-directional connection b etween
your printer and PC, The USB standard is designed to deliver complex, graphic-rich documents to
the printer with speed and accuracy. USB-enabled printers and PCs allow up to 127 devices to be
attached to a single USB port. Fast 12Mbps communication from your PC and printer with abso-
lute reliability.
OS Support
The USB port of your printer supports the following ope rating system environments:
■Microsoft Windows 95b and 95c (also known as OSR 2.0, OSR 2.1 and OSR 2.5)
If you are using one of theseoperating systems, your PC may require an optional upgrade to
work properly with USB. This upgrade is called USBSUPP.EXEand is provided in the
\OTHER\USBdirectory of your Windows 95 CD-ROM. GENICOM does not supply this
update. Tofind out if your hardware/operating system combination supports USB, run the
free program USBREADY.EXE,available from www.usb.org.
■Microsoft Windows 98 and 98se
These operating systems come with completesupport for USB. You should still run
USBREADY.EXEfrom www.usb.org to ensure that the required software and hardware are
■Apple Mac OS 8.6 andabove
This version of Apple's operating system ships with the USB equipped sys tems and contains
the necessary code to support USB. Noadditional software or hardware should be required.
Hardware Support
The USB port of your printer supports the following hardware: