Mar 00 Genicom PublicationNo. GEG-99054
microLaser 210 User Guide 3-17
Status Menu
Status MenuIn addition to the main menus listed above, the printer also provides a status menu that allows you
to view the current settings for the input and output trays and the toner cartridge. Use the follow-
ing procedure to enter the Status Menu:
1. Press the STATUS buttononthecontrolpanel.
2. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: F r o n t , Tr a y 1, Tr a y 2, Tra y 3 , Fa c e
Down, and Toner.
3. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu.
4. Use the proceduresin the following table to view the status of the printer:
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Submenu Procedure forExecuting Function
This submenuallows you to view
the currentMedia Size and Media
Type f or the f ront tr ay.
1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll through the media
size, media type, and level settings forthe Front Tray.
2. Press SELECT to view a specific setting.
Tray 1
This submenuallows you to view
the current Media Size, Media
Type , and Le vel fo r Tray 1.
1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll through the media
size, media type, and level settingsfor Tray 1.
2. Press SELECT to view a specific setting.
Tray 2
This submenuallows you to view
the current Media Size, Media
Type , and Le vel fo r Tray 2.
1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll through the media
size, media type, and level settingsfor Tray 2.
2. Press SELECT to view a specific setting.
Tray 3
This submenuallows you to view
the current Media Size, Media
Type , and Le vel fo r Tray 3.
1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll through the media
size, media type, and level settingsfor Tray 3.
2. Press SELECT to view a specific setting.
Face Down Tray
This submenuallows you to view
the status of the face down tray.
1. Press SELECT to view the status of the Face Down Tray.
Ton e r
Press SELECT to view the status of the toner cartridge.