Mar 00 Genicom PublicationNo. GEG-99054
microLaser 210 User Guide 3-13
System Menu
System MenuThe system menu provides access to system settings. Use the following procedure to enter the sys-
tem menu:
1. Press the MENU buttononthecontrolpanel.
2. Press the NEXT button until the text “Sy stem Menu”isshownonthesecondlineofthedis-
3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu.
4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Factor y Defaults, Display Lan-
guage, Power Saver,Wait Timeout, Job Timeout, Jam Recovery,and Hex Print.
5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu.
6. Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings:
Submenus Default Setting Availab le Settings Procedurefor Changing Setting
Factory Defaults
the printer to U.S. or Non-U.S.
factory defaults.
U.S. U.S.
1. P ressNEXT or PREVI OUS to toggles
between U.S. and NON-U.S.
2. Press SELECT to choose and set
the factory defaults.
Display Language
English English
1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll
through the available languages:
English, French (Francais), German
(Deutsch), Italian(Italiano), or
Spanish (Espanol).
2. Press SELECT to choose and set
the language.
Power Saver
This submenu allows you to set the
number of minutes the printer is
idle before it reverts to Power
Saver Mode.
15 0- 999 1. P ressNEXT orPREVIOUS to
increase or decreasethe number of
Wait Time out
increase or decreasethe length of
time (in seconds) that the printer
will remain in the waiting state—a
job is being processed, no
end-of-file has been detected,and
there is no more data to process.
This setting applies to both PCL
and PostScript print jobs.
20 0- 99999 1. PressNEXT or P REVIOUS to
increase or decrease each digit of
the five-digit number.
2. Press SELECT set one digit and
move to the next digit.
3. Press SELECT after changing the
last digit to save this setting.
Job Timeout
increase or decrease the time limit
(in seconds) for PostScript jobs. A
0 setting indicates no timeout. This
setting applies only to PostScript
0 0 - 99999 1. PressNEXT or PREVIOUS to
increase or decrease each digit of
the five-digit number.
2. Press SELECT set one digit and
move to the next digit.
3. Press SELECT after changing the
last digit to save this setting.