Mar 00 Genicom PublicationNo. GEG-99054
microLaser 210 User Guide 2-15
Loading the Front Tray
9. Grasp the paper tray with both hands and insert it into the paper tray well on the printer.
10. Push the paper tray completely into the printer, making sure the tray is properly seated.
11. Use the paper level indicator on the front right of the printer to determine when the paper
supply is low.
Loading the Front Tray
The front tray located on the front of the printer can accommodate a maximum of 100 sheets of
paper, andcan also accommodate a maximum of 30 sheets of standard labels, transparencies, or
postcards, and a maximum of 10 standard envelopes. The tray has two guides that are located on
theleftand rightsidesof thetray.Theseguidesallowyoutoadjustthesizeoftheareathatholdsthe
print media. Use the following guidelines when loading the front tray: