reports in Excel
sorting records 73 templates for reports 144 type 140, 147
vendor 140
FCC Statement 261
Files, linking to external 188 Filing
Filters for
applications, using Graffiti writing 14
phone numbers
using the Find application 69 Floating events 95
Folders for
Formats preferences 194 Frozen handheld 224
Games 42, 197 General preferences
alarm sounds 197
Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts Graffiti
accented characters 32 alphabet 25, 28 basic concepts 25 capital letters 29 Command stroke 16 defined 17
Giraffe game for practicing 42 how to write characters 26 menu commands 15 moving the cursor 33
numbers 29 online Help 59, 192 problems using 225 punctuation marks 30 ShortCuts for entering data 33,
symbols 31 tips 27 writing
Hard reset 220
Header information
Graffiti 59 online tips 16
Hiding records 74
See also Private records High Priority
buttons preferences 194 conduits for synchronizing
customizing 180 defined 62
for managing desktop
HotSync Manager 62 linking to external files 188 local operation 63, 178, 228, 229 modem operation 179,
modem settings 183 network operation 186 options for filtering
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