Step 1. Scan the Clear One Prefix or Clear One Suffix symbol.
Step 2. Determine the 2 digit Hex value from the Symbology Chart (included in Appendix A) for the symbology from which you want to clear the prefix or suffix.
Step 3. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual or scan 9, 9 for all symbologies.
Your change is automatically saved.
To Add a Carriage Return Suffix to all Symbologies
Scan the following barcode if you wish to add a carriage return suffix to all symbologies at once. This action first clears all current suffixes, then programs a carriage return suffix for all symbologies.
Add CR Suffix
All Symbologies
Prefix Selections
Add Prefix
Clear One Prefix
Clear All Prefixes
Suffix Selections
Add Suffix
Clear One Suffix
Clear All Suffixes
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