Scan a barcode below to enable or disable Preferred Symbology.
Preferred Symbology On
* Preferred Symbology Off
High Priority Symbology
To specify the high priority symbology, scan the High Priority Symbology barcode below. On the Symbology Chart on page
High Priority Symbology
Low Priority Symbology
To specify the low priority symbology, scan the Low Priority Symbology barcode below. On the Symbology Chart on page
If you want to set additional low priority symbologies, scan FF, then scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart for the next symbology. You can program up to 5 low priority symbologies. Scan Save to save your selection. Default = None
Low Priority Symbology
Preferred Symbology Time-out
Once you have enabled Preferred Symbology and entered the high and low priority symbologies, you must set the
Preferred Symbology
Preferred Symbology Default
Scan the barcode below to set all Preferred Symbology entries to their default values.
Preferred Symbology Default
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