Commands Supported by Launch
Copy | ElseIfFile | IfFile | Mkdir |
Delete | EndIf | IfTerm | Rmdir |
DelRegData | EndIfFile | Launch | SetRegData |
DelRegKey | EndIfTerm | LaunchCmd | SetRegKey |
ElseIf | FCopy | Message | Shortcut |
The commands supported by Launch are detailed below. Square brackets indicate that a parameter is optional. Characters in Italics represent a variable, and not a literal.
Description | Copies a file but does not overwrite an existing file. |
Syntax | |
Parameters | |
| |
Example | copy,\Storage Card\MyData.dat,\Temp\MyData.dat |
Notes | If the destination file already exists, it is not overwritten, and no error is given. |
| If the source file is blank, a |
Description | Deletes the specified file. |
Syntax | |
Parameter | |
Example | delete,\Temp\MyData.dat |
Description | Deletes a specified registry data field. |
Syntax | Delregdata,key,subkey,field |
Parameter | key: The abbreviated major registry key where you want to delete a field. Can be one of: |
| • cr or hkcr (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) |
| • cu or hkcu (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) |
| • lm or hklm (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). |
| The case of key does not matter. |
| subkey: The subkey that holds the field you want to delete. |
| field: The field that you want to delete. |
Example | delregdata,LM,Software\WidgetsPlc\OurApp,AppName |
Notes | An error isn’t displayed if you specify a |
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