The SCU supports
For automatic PAC provisioning, once a username/password is authenticated, the PAC information is stored on the MX9. The same username/password must be used to authenticate each time. See the note below for more details.
Note: When using Automatic PAC Provisioning, once authenticated, there is a file stored in the \System folder with the PAC credentials. if the username is changed, that file must be deleted. the filename is autoP.00.pac.
For manual PAC provisioning, the PAC filename and Password must be entered.
To use
1.Enter the SSID of the Access Point assigned to this profile.
2.Set EAP Type to
3.Set Encryption to WPA TKIP.
4.Set Auth Type to Open.
5.To use another encryption type, select WPA CCKM, WPA2 AES or WPA2 CCKM for encryption and complete other entries as detailed in this section.
7.Tap on the Credentials button.
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