In This Book
This book is the service guide for the HP 16500B/16501A Logic Analysis System and is divided into eight chapters.
Chapter 1 contains information about the instrument and includes accessories for the instrument, specifications and characteristics of the instrument, and a list of the equipment required for servicing the instrument.
Chapter 2 tells how to prepare the instrument for use.
Chapter 3 gives instructions on how to test the performance of the instrument.
Chapter 4 contains calibration instructions for the instrument.
Chapter 5 contains
Chapter 6 tells how to replace the instrument and assemblies of the instrument, and how to return them to
Chapter 7 lists replaceable parts, shows an exploded view, and gives ordering information.
Chapter 8 explains how the instrument works and what the
This book also contains information about the HP 16500L interface module when using an expansion frame or an external monitor. For information about using the interface module with a local area network, refer to the manuals for the HP 16500L.