Regulatory information | 144 |
Regulatory Model Number | 144 |
FCC statement | 145 |
Notice to users in Korea | 145 |
VCCI (Class B) compliance statement for users in Japan | 146 |
Notice to users in Japan about the power cord | 146 |
Noise emission statement for Germany | 146 |
LED indicator statement | 146 |
Gloss of housing of peripheral devices for Germany | 146 |
Notice to users of the U.S. telephone network: FCC requirements | 147 |
Notice to users of the Canadian telephone network | 148 |
Notice to users of the German telephone network | 148 |
Australia wired fax statement | 148 |
European Union Regulatory Notice | 149 |
Regulatory information for wireless products | 150 |
Exposure to radio frequency radiation | 150 |
Notice to users in Brazil | 150 |
Notice to users in Canada | 150 |
Notice to users in Taiwan | 151 |
Environmental product stewardship program | 152 |
Paper use | 152 |
Plastics | 152 |
Material safety data sheets | 152 |
Recycling program | 152 |
HP inkjet supplies recycling program | 152 |
Disposal of waste equipment by users in private households in the European Union | 153 |
Power consumption | 154 |
Chemical Substances | 154 |
Battery information | 154 |
Battery disposal in Taiwan | 154 |
Attention California users | 154 |
EU battery directive | 155 |
RoHS notices (China only) | 156 |
RoHS notices (Ukraine only) | 156 |
157 | |
B HP supplies and accessories |
Order printing supplies online | 165 |
Supplies | 165 |
Ink cartridges | 165 |
HP media | 166 |