Visual Manager User Interface
SCSI Mapping Tasks
Configuration tasks for SCSI mapping include:
■Viewing and Changing SCSI Host Information
■Viewing and Changing SCSI Map Information Each task is discussed in the following paragraphs.
Viewing and Changing SCSI Host Information
To view or change current SCSI host information:
1.In the Mapping Menu screen, select the desired SCSI bus.
2.Click Edit/View in the Host section of the screen.
The SCSI Host Name dialog box is displayed. Current host information is shown at the top of the dialog box.
3.Enter the new settings and then click Modify.
Figure 24 is an example of the SCSI Host Name configuration dialog box.
Figure 24: SCSI Host Name dialog box
SCSI Host Name settings:
■Host Name
■Initiator ID
■Map Name
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