
editing the host list of the current map, edit options, listed 119

initial access 108 listed 109

screen navigation 109 selecting the current map 109

selecting the host for the current map 120 viewing the current map 110

mapping tasks,SCSI adding entries 115 creating map entries 116 deleting entries 118 filling entries 118 removing gaps in 117

overview of the UI 27 port configuration 101 reboot option, described 142

Reset and Save Configuration to Factory defaults option, described 129

Restore Last Saved Configuration option, described 129

Save Configuration option, described 128 SCSI attached devices 137

SCSI bus, configuration buffered tape writes 107 bus reset on boot 106 discovery settings 106 Initiator and Target settings 106 Target override settings 107

SCSI resource information 138 SCSI statistics 137

SCSI status information 137

SCSI Status Menu, options, listed 137 system statistics information, described 131 System Statistics Menu, options, listed 131 system status information 131

System Utilities Menu, options, listed 130 System Utility Menu, described 130 trace and event settings configuration,

described 124

trace buffers, saving copies 140 Trace Dump menu, described 140

trace settings, configuring 125 Serial/Telnet UI Active Fabric Configuration

Menu, illustrated 128

Serial/Telnet UI adding a host to the host list - FCP host, illustrated 121

Serial/Telnet UI Baud Rate Configuration screen, illustrated 97

Serial/Telnet UI Configuration Menu, illustrated 96

Serial/Telnet UI creating an entry for a SCSI map, illustrated 117

Serial/Telnet UI creating an map entry for a Fibre Channel map, illustrated 116

Serial/Telnet UI device list generated for a Fibre Channel port, illustrated 114

Serial/Telnet UI Device Mapping Configuration Menu, illustrated 108

Serial/Telnet UI Download New Firmware Menu, illustrated 143

Serial/Telnet UI Edit Map Entries for a Fibre Channel Map, illustrated 113

Serial/Telnet UI Edit Map Entries for a SCSI Map, illustrated 113

Serial/Telnet UI editing host information on a SCSI bus, illustrated 123

Serial/Telnet UI entire device list, illustrated 124 Serial/Telnet UI event filter settings, illustrated


Serial/Telnet UI Event Log Menu, illustrated 139 Serial/Telnet UI FCP Current Map display,

illustrated 110

Serial/Telnet UI Fibre Channel configuration screen, illustrated 101

Serial/Telnet UI Fibre Channel Devices Display page, illustrated 135

Serial/Telnet UI Fibre Channel Driver resource status screen, illustrated 136

Serial/Telnet UI Fibre Channel link status screen, illustrated 133

Serial/Telnet UI Fibre Channel Status Menu, illustrated 132


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HP e1200-160 manual 126