authorized reseller 15 storage website 14 technical support 14
I/O configuration Visual Manager UI 54
indexed addressing
described 177 indexed maps, defined 32 initiator IDs, SCSI
Serial/Telnet UI 106 Visual Manager UI 60
interfaces user, listed 27
internal termination, SCSI Visual Manager UI 61
IP address Serial/Telnet UI 99 Visual Manager UI 49
IP gateway Serial/Telnet UI 99 Visual Manager UI 49
product classification label 185 radiation warning 184 regulatory compliance notice 184
LED indicators defined 153 Ethernet port 19 Fibre Channel 19 power supply 19 SCSI bus 19 types of 153
Library and Tape Tools 160
Library and Tape Tools, Additional information 162
Library and Tape Tools, Getting support 162 Library and Tape Tools, Key features 160 Library and Tape Tools, Software features 160 link status, Fibre Channel
Serial/Telnet UI 133
Visual Manager UI 56 LUN management
overview 31
mapping tasks, Fibre Channel adding entries
Serial/Telnet UI 114
Visual Manager 70 changing the name of the host
Visual Manager 68 clearing entries
Visual Manager 69 creating entries
Serial/Telnet UI 115
Visual Manager 70 default current map
Serial/Telnet UI 103
Visual Manager UI 58 deleting entries
Serial/Telnet UI 118
Visual Manager 69 filling entries
Serial/Telnet UI 118
Visual Manager 69 removing gaps in
Serial/Telnet UI 117
Visual Manager 69 viewing and changing 108
Visual Manager UI 69 mapping tasks, Fibre Channel and SCSI
adding (creating) a map Visual Manager UI 67
adding a host to the host list Serial/Telnet UI 120
changing the name of Serial/Telnet UI 112
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