Active Fabric configuration Serial/Telnet UI 128 Visual Manager UI 50 addressing, defined 173
audience 10
authorized reseller, HP 15
described 176
backing up the configuration, FTP UI 147 backup and restore,
Serial/Telnet UI 97 Visual Manager UI 46
buffered tape writes Fibre Channel
Serial/Telnet UI 103
Visual Manager UI 58 overview of 33
Serial/Telnet UI 107
Visual Manager UI 61 bus reset on boot
overview of 29 Serial/Telnet UI 106 Visual Manager UI 61
Center for Devices and Radiological Health See
clock configuration Serial/Telnet UI 127 Visual Manager UI 52
configuration settings
backing up 147 common 29 restoring 148 troubleshooting 157
configurations, Fibre Channel to SCSI, illustrated 20
controller LUN commands general commands, listed 168
conventions document 11 equipment symbols 12 text symbols 12
conversion process, FCP to SCSI protocol, illustrated 21
copying trace buffers, FTP UI 149 current map, default
Fibre Channel Serial/Telnet UI 103 Visual Manager UI 58
Serial/Telnet UI 107
Visual Manager UI 62
date configuration
Network Storage Router | 189 |